Van Wert Cty, Ohio, USA

Gramps ID P0570
County Van Wert Cty
State/ Province Ohio
Country USA


  1. Family of Welch, Frederick Christian and Fife, Bessie M.
    1. Fife, Bessie M. [I6576]
    2. Welch, Frederick Christian [I6572]
  2. Waller, Frederick W. [I6569]
  3. Bates, Chloa [I8316]
  4. Salter, George H. [I6603]
  5. Weible, John Jacob [I0717]
  6. Weible, Sarah C. [I6515]
  7. Carpenter, John W. [I6519]
  8. Wrocklage, Thomas Gilbert [I7790]
  9. Family of Bonebrake, Samuel F. and Fisher, Elizabeth M.
    1. Bonebrake, Samuel F. [I6567]
    2. Fisher, Elizabeth M. [I6560]
  10. Family of Woodward, Charles C. and Welch, Anna Alecta
    1. Welch, Anna Alecta [I6571]
    2. Woodward, Charles C. [I6598]
  11. Family of Weible, Henry Joseph and Will, Mary
    1. Will, Mary [I7653]
    2. Weible, Henry Joseph [I0726]
  12. Family of Kill, Vernon C. and Wrocklage, Grace Patricia
    1. Wrocklage, Grace Patricia [I7797]
    2. Kill, Vernon C. [I7819]
  13. Kill, Vernon C. [I7819]
  14. Waller, Jasper E.H. [I6566]
  15. Flanagan, Gwendolyn [I7799]
  16. Welch, Anna Alecta [I6571]
  17. Weible, Della M. [I6517]
  18. Woodward, Charles C. [I6598]
  19. Chilcote, Anna Margaret [I6565]
  20. Holdgreve, Henry [I7690]
  21. Family of Swihart, Samuel L. and Buckles, Sarah E.
    1. Swihart, Samuel L. [I6524]
    2. Buckles, Sarah E. [I6556]
  22. Mccoy, Elmira E. [I6516]
  23. Moulin, James Francis [I7760]
  24. Family of Weible, George C. and Gilliland, Mary Jane
    1. Gilliland, Mary Jane [I7857]
    2. Weible, George C. [I6493]
  25. Rank, Ethel M. [I2909]
  26. Wrocklage, Grace Patricia [I7797]
  27. Beaber, Abraham West [I1662]
  28. Rupert, Helen A. [I2093]
  29. Waller, Agnes May [I6568]
  30. Weible, Anna Mary [I1685]
  31. Family of Waller, Jasper E.H. and Fisher, Elizabeth M.
    1. Fisher, Elizabeth M. [I6560]
    2. Waller, Jasper E.H. [I6566]
  32. Swihart, Samuel [I6520]
  33. Conley, Joan [I4419]
  34. Conley, Arthur Joseph [I4417]
  35. Family of Fisher, John R. and Klein, Elizabeth
    1. Fisher, John R. [I6559]
    2. Klein, Elizabeth [I6564]
  36. Family of Welch, Dennis and Weible, Sarah C.
    1. Welch, Dennis [I6570]
    2. Weible, Sarah C. [I6515]
  37. Gilliland, Mary Jane [I7857]
  38. Etts, Roberta Mary [I4415]
  39. Bonebrake, Samuel F. [I6567]
  40. Family of Weible, Isaac S. and Mccoy, Elmira E.
    1. Weible, Isaac S. [I6514]
    2. Mccoy, Elmira E. [I6516]
  41. Weible, Leonard Sylvester [I7730]
  42. Etts, Augusta [I4413]
  43. Family of Beaber, Abraham West and Rank, Ethel M.
    1. Rank, Ethel M. [I2909]
    2. Beaber, Abraham West [I1662]
  44. Welch, Frederick Christian [I6572]
  45. Family of Weible, Leonard Sylvester and Bailey, Viola R.
    1. Bailey, Viola R. [I7743]
    2. Weible, Leonard Sylvester [I7730]
  46. Fisher, Henry [I6558]
  47. Kuckein, Arthur H. [I4421]
  48. Family of Barker, George and Urbine, Clara Josephine
    1. Urbine, Clara Josephine [I8276]
    2. Barker, George [I8353]
  49. Weible, Magdalena [I6602]
  50. Weible, Isaac S. [I6514]
  51. Family of Fisher, John R. and Chilcote, Anna Margaret
    1. Fisher, John R. [I6559]
    2. Chilcote, Anna Margaret [I6565]
  52. Fife, Bessie M. [I6576]
  53. Barker, George [I8353]
  54. Family of Wrocklage, Thomas Gilbert and Flanagan, Gwendolyn
    1. Wrocklage, Thomas Gilbert [I7790]
    2. Flanagan, Gwendolyn [I7799]
  55. Will, Mary [I7653]
  56. Family of Moulin, James Francis and Bergfeld, Evelyn E.
    1. Bergfeld, Evelyn E. [I7757]
    2. Moulin, James Francis [I7760]
  57. Family of Kuckein, Arthur H. and Conley, Joan
    1. Conley, Joan [I4419]
    2. Kuckein, Arthur H. [I4421]
  58. Family of Carpenter, John W. and Weible, Della M.
    1. Weible, Della M. [I6517]
    2. Carpenter, John W. [I6519]
  59. Buckles, Sarah E. [I6556]
  60. Minick, Rosella E. [I8193]
  61. Welch, Dennis [I6570]
  62. Fisher, Elizabeth M. [I6560]
  63. Weible, George C. [I6493]
  64. Family of Conley, Arthur Joseph and Etts, Roberta Mary
    1. Conley, Arthur Joseph [I4417]
    2. Etts, Roberta Mary [I4415]
  65. Bergfeld, Evelyn E. [I7757]
  66. Fisher, Mary J. [I6562]
  67. Fisher, John R. [I6559]
  68. Weible, Henry Joseph [I0726]
  69. Urbine, Clara Josephine [I8276]
  70. Bergfeld, Claude Augustine [I7748]
  71. Family of Salter, George H. and Weible, Magdalena
    1. Weible, Magdalena [I6602]
    2. Salter, George H. [I6603]
  72. Swihart, Samuel L. [I6524]
  73. Bailey, Viola R. [I7743]
  74. Klein, Elizabeth [I6564]