Loyal Tribune (Wisconsin)
Birth, Pieper, Bernard
Pieper, Bernard
Death, Pieper, Bernard
Pieper, Bernard
Pieper, Bernard
Susa, Sophia K.
Marriage, Family of Pieper, Reinhardt C. and Susa, Sophia K.
Susa, Sophia K.
Pieper, Reinhardt C.
Death, Pieper, Reinhardt C.
Pieper, Reinhardt C.
Pieper, Reinhardt C.
Birth, Pieper, Reinhardt C.
Pieper, Reinhardt C.
Breseman, William
Marriage, Family of Breseman, William and Pieper, Alma A.
Breseman, William
Pieper, Alma A.
Pieper, Alma A.
Death, Nagel, John
Nagel, John
Nagel, John
Emigration, Nagel, John
Nagel, John
Birth, Nagel, John
Nagel, John
Birth, Pieper, August
Pieper, August
Death, Pieper, August
Pieper, August
Marriage, Family of Pieper, August and Nagel, Wilhelmine
Nagel, Wilhelmine
Pieper, August
Pieper, August
Nagel, Wilhelmine
Emigration, Nehls, Dorothy
Nehls, Dorothy
Nehls, Dorothy
Death, Nehls, Dorothy
Nehls, Dorothy
Birth, Nehls, Dorothy
Nehls, Dorothy