Huffman, Celia Elizabeth

Birth Name Huffman, Celia Elizabeth
Gramps ID I7222
Gender female


Event Date Place Description
Sources Notes
Birth 1873 Illinois, USA  
Census 1875 Grasshopper Twp, Atchison Cty, Kansas, USA  
Census 1880 Dover, Bureau Cty, Illinois, USA  
Census 1900 Fall City, King Cty, Washington, USA  
Census 1910 Wallowa, Wallowa Cty, Oregon, USA  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Huffman, Jacob W. [I6876]1838-01-081912-03-12
Mother Jay, Eliza [I7191]1845-11-191894-10-27
    Brother     Huffman, Frank [I7217] 1865-03-20 1942-08-14
    Sister     Huffman, Alice D. [I7218] 1867-02-18 1894-10-27
    Brother     Huffman, George Edwin [I7219] 1868
    Sister     Huffman, Ardilla [I7220] 1870 1944-01-26
    Brother     Huffman, Delphus W. [I7221] 1871 1944-06-05
         Huffman, Celia Elizabeth [I7222] 1873
    Brother     Huffman, Harry [I7223] 1875 1890-10-27
    Brother     Huffman, Charles Emmett [I7224] 1877-12-03 1963
    Brother     Huffman, Leroy Henderson [I7225] 1880-05-03 1954-10-28
    Sister     Huffman, Edna [I7228] 1883 1890-11-07


    Family of Norton, Harvey and Huffman, Celia Elizabeth [F2339]
Married Husband Norton, Harvey [I7237] ( * 1867 + ... )
Event Date Place Description
Sources Notes
Marriage 1889-09-24 King Cty, Washington, USA  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Norton, Ada [I7239]
Norton, Alta M. [I7241]
Norton, Myrtle [I7259]
Norton, Hazel C. [I7260]
Norton, Allie M. [I7238]1890
Norton, Dilla E. [I7240]1894-05-271984-11-22
Norton, Delphie Marton [I7242]1898-12-201959-07-27


Note: Researching Celia Elizabeth Huffman and family

I have not found any record of Celia and her husband Harvey after the 1910 US Census, which listed them in Wallowa, Wallowa Cty, Oregon with six of their seven children, so I cannot confirm if they remained married until death or if they divorced, or even when the two of them died. Of their seven known children, I have a fairly incomplete accounting:

- Daughter Allie, the oldest, is last counted with the family in the 1900 US Census, and does not appear in the 1910 US Census listing. Whether she died young or married prior to 1910 is unknown.

- Daughter Ada is present in the 1910 US Census listing, aged eighteen, but I have not found confirmed records for her after that.

- Daughter Dilla married to Volney Barnes sometime prior to 1920, and divorced after 1930; the two of them had two daughters, though whether Dilla ever remarried is unknown to me at this point. Her older daughter Juanita died at about ege twenty, though her younger daughter, Cleo, appears to have married and may have had children.

- Daughter Alta appears with the family in 1910 (aged fourteen), but I have found no record of her after that.

- Delphie, who appears to be the only son in the family, married and had at least two sons.

- Daughter Myrtle appears in the 1910 listing, but I have not found confirmed record of her after that. She may have married and relocated to Montana, but I have not confirmed this.

- Daughter Hazel married Elden Pierce in 1919 in Montana, and the couple had one daughter and one son prior to the last record that places them together (1930 US Census). By the time of the 1940 US Census, Hazel is counted in Washington, living with just her son Lloyd but with her marital status given as married. I do not have further information for her after 1940.


  1. Huffman, Jacob W. [I6876]
    1. Jay, Eliza [I7191]
      1. Huffman, Frank [I7217]
      2. Huffman, Alice D. [I7218]
      3. Huffman, George Edwin [I7219]
      4. Huffman, Ardilla [I7220]
      5. Huffman, Delphus W. [I7221]
      6. Huffman, Celia Elizabeth
        1. Norton, Harvey [I7237]
          1. Norton, Allie M. [I7238]
          2. Norton, Ada [I7239]
          3. Norton, Dilla E. [I7240]
          4. Norton, Alta M. [I7241]
          5. Norton, Delphie Marton [I7242]
          6. Norton, Myrtle [I7259]
          7. Norton, Hazel C. [I7260]
      7. Huffman, Harry [I7223]
      8. Huffman, Charles Emmett [I7224]
      9. Huffman, Leroy Henderson [I7225]
      10. Huffman, Edna [I7228]


Source References

  1. Kansas State Census of 1875 [S0391]
      • Citation:

        "Kansas State Census, 1875", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 15 August 2017), Edwin Hufman in entry for Jacob Hufman, 1875.

        Event Date 1875
        Event Place Grasshopper, Atchison, Kansas, United States
        Jacob Hufman M 37 Illinois
        Eliza Hufman F 27 Illinois
        Frank L Hufman M 9 Illinois
        Alley Hufman F 8 Illinois
        Edwin Hufman M 6 Illinois
        Ardilla Hufman F 4 Kansas
        Delphus Hufman M 3 Illinois
        Celia Hufman F 2 Illinois

  2. US Census of 1880 [S0045]
      • Citation:

        "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 22 August 2017), Jacob Huffman, Dover, Bureau, Illinois, United States; citing enumeration district ED 7, sheet 89C, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 0177; FHL microfilm 1,254,177.

        Event Date 1880
        Event Place Dover, Bureau, Illinois, United States
        Jacob Huffman Self M 42 Ohio, United States
        Eliza Huffman Wife F 34 Ohio, United States
        Frank Huffman Son M 14 Illinois, United States
        Alice Huffman Daughter F 13 Illinois, United States
        Edwin Huffman Son M 12 Illinois, United States
        Ardilla Huffman Daughter F 10 Kansas, United States
        Delphus Huffman Son M 9 Illinois, United States
        Celia Huffman Daughter F 7 Illinois, United States
        Harry Huffman Son M 5 Kansas, United States
        Charles Huffman Son M 2 Illinois, United States
        Leroy Huffman Son M 0 Illinois, United States

  3. US Census of 1900 [S0039]
      • Citation:

        "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 3 September 2017), Jacob W Houffman in household of Harvey Norton, Fall City, Tolt, and Preston Precincts, King, Washington, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 72, sheet 4A, family 68, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,241,744.

        Event Year 1900
        Event Place Fall City, Tolt, and Preston Precincts, King, Washington, United States
        Harvey Norton Head M 33 Indian Territory
        Celia E Norton Wife F 25 Illinois
        Allie M Norton Daughter F 10 Washington
        Ada Norton Daughter F 8 Washington
        Dilla E Norton Daughter F 6 Washington
        Elta M Norton Daughter F 4 Washington
        Delphus M Norton Son M 2 Oregon
        Jacob W Houffman Father-in-law M Ohio

  4. US Census of 1910 [S0040]
      • Citation:

        "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 7 September 2017), Celia Norton in household of L H Norton, Wallowa, Wallowa, Oregon, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 293, sheet 13A, family 221, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1284; FHL microfilm 1,375,297.

        Event Date 1910
        Event Place Wallowa, Wallowa, Oregon, United States
        L H Norton Head M 43 Oklahoma
        Celia Norton Wife F 36 Illinois
        Ada Norton Daughter F 18 Washington
        Dilla Norton Daughter F 15 Washington
        Alta Norton Daughter F 13 Washington
        Dalpha Norton Daughter F 12 Oregon
        Myrtle Norton Daughter F 9 Washington
        Hazel Norton Daughter F 8 Oregon
        Elbert Frier Boarder M 20 Oregon
        Emil Hinckle Boarder M 20 Indiana

  5. Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008 [S0179]
      • Confidence: High
      • Citation:

        "Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 22 October 2015), L H Norton and Celia Huffman, 24 Sep 1889, King, Washington, United States, State Archives, Olympia; FamilySearch digital folder 004375005.