Miami Cty, Ohio, USA

Gramps ID P1067
County Miami Cty
State/ Province Ohio
Country USA


  1. Buroker, Howard Max [I4516]
  2. Nash, Ivah Clare [I7089]
  3. Family of Rowley, Theodore and Buroker, Faye Claire
    1. Buroker, Faye Claire [I4518]
    2. Rowley, Theodore [I4554]
  4. Stickel, Samuel [I7843]
  5. Simmons, Kenneth Lenow [I4564]
  6. Stickel, Ella Belle [I7844]
  7. Stapleton, Hazel Fern [I4538]
  8. Derr, Marion Ivan [I4574]
  9. Scherman, Louise E. [I4561]
  10. Simmons, Paul K. [I4566]
  11. Stonebraker, William Thomas [I0346]
  12. Gurtner, Frederick [I7855]
  13. Buroker, Faye Claire [I4518]
  14. Family of Gurtner, Frederick and Eley, Margaret
    1. Eley, Margaret [I3858]
    2. Gurtner, Frederick [I7855]
  15. Clarkson, Annabelle [I4539]
  16. Buroker, Nellie Grace [I4519]
  17. Family of Stonebraker, William Thomas and Becker, Emma Belle
    1. Becker, Emma Belle [I0494]
    2. Stonebraker, William Thomas [I0346]
  18. Family of McCutchen, D.G. and Eley, Margaret
    1. Eley, Margaret [I3858]
    2. McCutchen, D.G. [I7856]
  19. Family of Buroker, Lloyd Robert Sr. and Scherman, Louise E.
    1. Buroker, Lloyd Robert Sr. [I4520]
    2. Scherman, Louise E. [I4561]
  20. Family of Buroker, Willard Paul and Clarkson, Annabelle
    1. Buroker, Willard Paul [I4517]
    2. Clarkson, Annabelle [I4539]
  21. Buroker, Lois Roberta [I4521]
  22. Buroker, Carroll Holmes [I4515]
  23. Family of Simmons, Kenneth Lenow and Buroker, Nellie Grace
    1. Buroker, Nellie Grace [I4519]
    2. Simmons, Kenneth Lenow [I4564]
  24. Wible, Harry Garfield [I7071]
  25. Stonebraker, Claude Ohmar [I0496]
  26. Snell, Nancy Alpharetta [I7662]
  27. Family of Stickel, Samuel and Eley, Margaret
    1. Eley, Margaret [I3858]
    2. Stickel, Samuel [I7843]
  28. Family of Buroker, Willard Paul and Stapleton, Hazel Fern
    1. Buroker, Willard Paul [I4517]
    2. Stapleton, Hazel Fern [I4538]
  29. Becker, Emma Belle [I0494]
  30. Buroker, Willard Paul [I4517]
  31. Rowley, Theodore [I4554]
  32. Buroker, Lloyd Robert Sr. [I4520]
  33. McCutchen, D.G. [I7856]
  34. Family of Derr, Marion Ivan and Buroker, Lois Roberta
    1. Derr, Marion Ivan [I4574]
    2. Buroker, Lois Roberta [I4521]
  35. Eley, Margaret [I3858]
  36. Family of Wible, Harry Garfield and Nash, Ivah Clare
    1. Nash, Ivah Clare [I7089]
    2. Wible, Harry Garfield [I7071]