

Pictured are George Henry Smith and wife Mary Elizabeth "Libbie" (Middaugh) Smith, with several of their adult children and grandchildren. The original notes on the back of this photo were written by Mary Alice (Bayha) Thomas, and are reproduced here for review.

"Back row: Carl, Phil Millington, Mabel Smith Millington, George Smith, __, Aunt Lib Smith, Howard Smith, Arnola, __.
Front row: Mary Schlaudraff, Betty, Elsie, Bertha"

Between comparing this photo with the few other photos that I have and reviewing birth and death dates, I believe I have some corrections and completions to offer here, in order named:

"Carl" would be Carl Eugene Hess, Mabel's youngest son from her marriage to Garrett Hess.

The second man standing, from the left, was labeled "Phil Millington," but I believe this was actually John A. Smith, the youngest (adopted) son of George and Libbie.

Third from the left is "Mabel Smith Millington," referring to Mabel Justine Smith, George and Libbie's oldest child.

Fourth from the left is "George Smith," which would be George Henry Smith.

Standing behind him and fifth from the left was unlabelled, but I believe this was actually Philemon "Phil" Millington, Mabel's husband.

Sixth from the left was "Aunt Lib," Mary Elizabeth "Libbie" (Middaugh) Smith, George's wife.

Seventh from the left was "Howard Smith," which would be Howard Raymon Smith, George and Libbie's only surviving biological son.

Eighth was "Arnola," Arnola Mae Hess, Mabel's daughter.

Ninth from the left, standing, was unlabelled by Mary Alice; I believe this to be Nancy (Augspurger) Smith, wife of John A. Smith.

The kneeling front row are all daughters of Mabel's - Mary Alice (Hess) Schlaudroff, Betty Jane (Hess) Mendenhall, Elsie Mae (Hess) Scott, and Bertha J. (Hess) Spriestersbach.

While the actual date of the photo is unknown, Libbie died in 1957, and so the photo must be prior to that time; likewise, Carl looks very much like a man in his twenties, so the photo would seem likely to be from sometime in the early-to-mid 1950s. The location is also unknown. If we assume that the my corrections to the original notes on the photo are correct, there are still some people missing:

- Six of Mabel's seven children (from her marriage to Garrett Hess) are pictured; George Hess appears to be absent.
- None of the spouses of those six children appear, nor any of their children.
- Howard's wife Edna and daughter Connie are also not pictured.
- John and Nancy's children are absent.


  1. Middaugh, Mary Elizabeth [I3979]
  2. Smith, Howard Raymon [I3991]
  3. Smith, Mabel Justine [I3980]
  4. Hess, Betty Jane [I3988]
  5. Hess, Arnola Mae [I3984]
  6. Smith, George Henry [I1473]