Marriage Records, Waukesha County, Wisconsin

Gramps ID S0070


  1. v3p162
    1. Farmer
      1. Schnitzke, August C. (Primary) [I0358]
    2. Marriage, Family of Schnitzke, August C. and Timm, Augusta
      1. Schnitzke, August C. (Primary) [I0358]
      2. Timm, Augusta (Primary) [I0359]
    3. Timm, Augusta [I0359]
    4. Schnitzke, August C. [I0358]
  2. v3p399
    1. Watterson, Edward [I0575]
    2. Farmer
      1. Watterson, Edward (Primary) [I0575]
    3. Daley, Mary Jane [I0576]
    4. Marriage, Family of Watterson, Edward and Daley, Mary Jane
      1. Watterson, Edward (Primary) [I0575]
      2. Daley, Mary Jane (Primary) [I0576]