Glassley, Alberta Lou

Birth Name Glassley, Alberta Lou
Gramps ID I5846
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Glassley, Jesse Hayes [I5834]1879-09-031952
Mother Harvey, Myrtle [I5842]1888-09-211984
    Brother     Glassley, Firmer Morris [I5844] 1921-01-09 1978-07-02
    Brother     Glassley, Robert Burford [I5845]
         Glassley, Alberta Lou [I5846]


    Family of Davis, Billie Jean and Glassley, Alberta Lou [F1895]
Married Husband Davis, Billie Jean [I5849] ( * + ... )


  1. Glassley, Jesse Hayes [I5834]
    1. Harvey, Myrtle [I5842]
      1. Glassley, Robert Burford [I5845]
      2. Glassley, Alberta Lou
        1. Davis, Billie Jean [I5849]
      3. Glassley, Firmer Morris [I5844]
