A History of Pendleton County, West Virginia

Gramps ID S0414
Author Oren F. Morton
Publication information Franklin, West Virginia, 1910


  1. pp190-191
    1. Cowger, Jacob [I7491]
    2. Cowger, Abel [I3530]
    3. Cowger, Jesse [I7493]
    4. Death, Cowger, George
      1. Cowger, George (Primary) [I7492]
    5. Birth, Cowger, Abel
      1. Cowger, Abel (Primary) [I3530]
    6. Birth, Cowger, Henry
      1. Cowger, Henry (Primary) [I3542]
    7. Birth, Cowger, George
      1. Cowger, George (Primary) [I7492]
    8. Cowger, George [I7492]
    9. Birth, Cowger, Jacob
      1. Cowger, Jacob (Primary) [I7491]
    10. Birth, Cowger, Jesse
      1. Cowger, Jesse (Primary) [I7493]
    11. Cowger, Henry [I3542]
  2. pp252-254
    1. Birth, Mallow, Eve
      1. Mallow, Eve (Primary) [I3547]
    2. Mallow, Eve [I3547]
    3. Death, Mallow, Eve
      1. Mallow, Eve (Primary) [I3547]
  3. pp197-199
    1. Dice, Adam [I7380]
    2. Birth, Dice, Adam
      1. Dice, Adam (Primary) [I7380]
    3. Dice, William [I3546]
    4. Death, Dice, William
      1. Dice, William (Primary) [I3546]
    5. Mallow, Eve [I3547]
    6. Marriage, Family of Dice, William and Mallow, Eve
      1. Dice, William (Primary) [I3546]
      2. Mallow, Eve (Primary) [I3547]