

This photo (a tintype in a keepsake copper frame with glass facing) was found in the files of Jane Anne Thomas; the tintype itself is small, very dark, and has significant damage on the surface, suggesting that it was removed from the frame at some point. The scan I've made is significantly altered in image editing software, to try and help make the subjects recognizable; I will admit that I came into that work with the suspicion that this was a photo of Melissa (Forst) Stuver and her daughter, Elfrieda Beatrice "Effie" Stuver.

Part of what led me to believe that was an old strip of cloth tape on the back of the tintype, with writing in pencil. The writing is very small, but recognizably that of Mary Alice (Bayha) Thomas, Effie's daughter and my great-grandmother. The tape was somewhat damaged and the writing is difficult to see clearly, but it appears to read "Melissa Stuver and Effie." Comparing the tintype with the few other photos I have of Melissa reinforces my belief.


  1. Forst, Melissa [I0030]
  2. Stuver, Elfrieda Beatrice [I0013]